LS Experience Network Security

While the internet has become increasingly useful, parents have to take caution that gaming, harmful websites and social media may have on your children. Parents can now take back control and have peace of mind by protecting children from inappropriate and harmful content, and/or unlimited access to the internet, games and content.  Parents can now easily enforce online rules for individual users and devices in your home network without creating blanket settings that affect all household members. 

LSExperience allows you to set profile specific actions straight from your phone, that will tailor the online experience for each person within your home.  Subscribers also have the ability to block specific websites for all or specified users in the home. For example, parents can allow access to the internet for schooling, but block Youtube, Instagram, and TikTok if they choose.  If blocking and filtering isn’t necessary but you want to set time limits on how long your child can play or use social media, simply set duration limits on applications. This will give a child access to their favorite apps without feeding into habits that you don’t support. For more control, you can even schedule times during which children are allowed to access the internet, blocking all access or certain apps in specific time frames.

By eliminating the need to announce cut-off times and personally monitor the content on your child’s device while they use it, you change the culture in your home. Curbing usage and behaviors will become normal over time, and LSExperience takes the parenting factor out of daily content and usage controls.

Setting up Enhanced Parental Controls

Setting up Screen Time Limits

Setting up Basic Priorities

Setting up Notifications

With LightSpeed Internet, we’ve removed the bandwidth restrictions so customers can fully utilize all their connected devices and have the best online experience.