911 Fees (Formally Police and Fire):
This fee is mandated by State law. The amounts collected from these fees will be remitted to the state and ultimately be distributed back to local units of government under the county and municipal aid program to support continued funding of police and fire protection services.
Cable TV Franchise Fee:
TV providers, such as RUC LightSpeed, are authorized by federal law to recover all franchise fees paid to local governments by itemizing a franchise fee on customers’ monthly bill. When necessary, the franchise fee collected from customers may be adjusted to match the amount of franchise fees remitted to your community.
Fees Paid to Broadcast Stations:
We charge the Broadcast TV Surcharge to provide access to local channel broadcast network programming like ABC, NBC, and CBS. While these stations distribute their signals over the air using free spectrum granted by the federal government, they charge RUC significant amounts to broadcast their programming. It’s not included in your base package price, so you’ll see a separate line item on your bill.
Fiber Protection Surcharge:
A The Fiber Protection Surcharge is a monthly fee to cover expenses related to the protection of our Gigabit Fiber Network. These expenses include Diggers Hotline fees, locating expenses, and fiber relocation related to roadway construction and maintenance. This fee is not a tax or fee required by the government.
Paper Invoice Fee:
This fee helps RUC LightSpeed to recover the various expenses associated with producing and mailing a paper invoice. Customers may elect to receive their invoice electronically, which would avoid this charge.
Regulatory Fee:
This includes charges to recover or defray government fees imposed on RUC LightSpeed, and certain other costs related to our Voice(Phone) service, including a Federal and State Universal Service Charges to support affordable phone service, and also includes Telecommunications Relay Service Fee to support relay services for hearing and speech impaired customers. Please note that these charges aren’t taxes and are subject to change.
State and Local Tax:
These are State and local government sales taxes. These taxes are imposed by state, county and municipal governments and the percentage of tax charged varies based on the jurisdiction in which the customer lives.
Third Party E911 Services Charge:
This is a charge that RUC LightSpeed must pay to cover the cost of 911 service. Costs associated with the 911 systems are collected by RUC LightSpeed through monthly bills and then paid to the provider of that service.
Video Regulatory Fee:
This includes charges to recover or defray government fees imposed on RUC LightSpeed, and certain other costs related to our Video (TV) service, including a Library of Congress charges to support copyright registration, and also includes Federal Communications Commission (FCC) and Public Service Commission (PSC) charges related to TV services. Please note that these charges aren’t taxes and are subject to change.